sewing with jersey...eeek!

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So me being me, wanting to jump head first into the most difficult of projects stumbled across this lovely little blog tutorial on how to turn one your old tee's into a baby/kiddy tee dress. Fabulous! This girls says it only takes her 15min or so to knock one up....looking through the tutorial it seems quite simple, so off i go measuring up, marking seems and pinning where im going to sew.....i get to the sewing machine and start to sew, halfway through i realise nothing i happening, there is no stitch or thread going through the fabric! what the?!?!?!

So after doing a little reading i realise sewing with jersey isn't as easy as it seems.

But thanks to one of my favourite blogger's Prudent Baby it doesn't seem too far out of my reach. Granted it will take a trip to Spotlight for some supplies and some practice, but im hoping to conquer the all feared art of jersey/knit sewing!

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